Gozo Ferry Service

There are two ferry links/terminals from Malta to Gozo, one departing from the Capital City of Valletta and the other departing from Cirkewwa which is located on the northern most tip of Malta.

Gozo High Speed Ferry from Valletta, Malta to Mgarr, Gozo

The Gozo High Speed ferry service is the latest connection between Valletta and Mgarr, Gozo, with a  crossing time of approximately 45 minutes. This ferry service is a passenger service only and tickets are purchased at the ferry terminal in Valetta or online on the Gozo High Speed website. You may view the ferry service schedule here.

Gozo Channel from Cirkewwa, Malta to Mgarr, Gozo

The Gozo Channel ferry to service is the oldest and the main link between Malta and Gozo. This service runs for 24 hours and is the only service that may carry vehicles between the two islands. If you have rented a car or a motorbike then the Gozo Channel ferry is the only option. Crossing time is approximately 25 minutes. Note that tickets for the Gozo Channel Ferry are purchased from the Gozo ferry terminal on your return to Malta. You may view the ferry service schedule here.